From Rucava to Meerbeck and “Priedaine”

Rucava folk costume. Made by Emma Slaktere (1911–2003) in 1946 in Germany.

The folk costume’s skirt, shirt and vest were made in a refugee camp in Meerbeck, Germany. The clothes were made by Emma Slaktere, who also worked as a wig stylist for the Latvian theatre troupe in Meerbeck. Later, Emma would take the folk costume with her when she emigrated to the USA. There Emma was an active member of the New York Latvian community – for a time she was treasurer for the antiques repository of the New Jersey Latvian centre “Priedaine”, as well as a weaver and wig stylist. This Rucava folk costume was exhibited as a complete set at “Priedaine”, its components having been made by several handicrafters – for example, the socks were knitted and donated by Verena Freija. The coloured silk ribbons for the headdress come from Rucava Parish, where they were bought by Verena Freija’s mother, Marta Puķe.
Donated by Lilita Bergs (American Latvian Association); from the collection of the Latvians Abroad Museum and Research Centre (LP2019.1552).
Song Festival in Esslingen, Germany, 1947. Donated by Adolfs Avens. From the collection of the Latvians Abroad Museum and Research Centre.